About Us
Honest, Genuine, Personal Service
It was a year after I had my daughter and the idea of going back to work in the Finance industry did not appeal at all. I was looking for a side project, almost a hobby and due to my families history in the diamond trade this seemed like a good place to start. I started slowly and began selling diamonds to friends and the referrals picked up from there.
When my daughter hit kindy, I knew it was time to expand out to an office space and so I moved into London Court, opening only two days a week. I had a few good years there before moving to St Georges Tce. We now have our home in Applecross and are loving the community feel of the new office.
What I wasn’t expecting was that I would enjoy it so much. It is such a treat working with people to create amazing pieces of jewellery and family heirlooms. I get to be involved in some very special moments with people and I have met some lovely clients who have become friends along the way.

If you have any more questions, please call or make an appointment to come in and see us.