Easily identified by it’s iconic yellowy-grass green, the Peridot is an extreme gem. Found deep within the Earth’s mantle, formed in high temperatures and brought to the surface by volcanic activity, it’s known as the stone of compassion and is associated with harmony, good health and peacefulness.
They also have close ties to Hawaiian culture – they are thought to be the tears of the volcano goddess Pele. Papakolea Beach on the southern point of the island, shimmers with green sand rich in mineral olivine which peridot is the gem variety of. It is one of only four beaches in the world with green sand.

Peridot has even been found in pallasite meteorites but only a few have had gem-quality peridot.

The intensity and tint of the colour depends on how much iron is present and can range from yellowish green to brownish green. Peridots are unique in that they are always a shade of green,
unlike other gems which can come in different colours (for example pink or blue sapphires).
Peridot is around 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. While it’s reasonably tough, it’s not the most scratch resistant so wouldn’t normally be recommended for daily wear. However they make excellent statement pieces. We can easily source peridots and are always happy to search for the perfect stone to suit your budget and vision. For more information or if you would like to book a time to come in to chat click here.